

There is very little info on the 8mm Ultra, all of which is duplicated on various websites. The consensus info is that it was a Gustaf Genschow & Co. development around 1934 for a Walther PP in order to provide an intermediate powered cartridge between the 7.65...

8.5mm MARS

The 8.5mm Mars was one of four cartridges developed by Hugh Gabbett-Fairfax for submission to military trials in the beginning of the 20th century. The 8.5mm was different from the 9mm/360, 45 Short and 45 Long as the 8.5mm was submitted for the French trials. This...

8.8 X 10R SAPL

Grey injection moulded plastic case with plastic bullet. SAPL is a family-owned French company, Société d'Application des Procédés Lefebvre. According to the WRI website, the company was founded in 1983 by Jean Lefebvre and its main business is the manufacturing of...