Welcome to cartridgecollector.net. If this is your first visit here you are most welcome. This website is a listing of my collection and will continue to grow with new additions as well as added research material over time. This site has been in existence for just over nine years now, but there is still a long way to go, as most of the handgun cartridges, pinfire, rimfire, shotshells and a huge number of military cartridges must still be scanned, researched and listed. Some of the pages currently still contain the cartridge scans only, but the research will be added over time. The goal of this website is to share information with as many collectors as possible. At the 2016 European Cartridge Research Association meeting in Holland I had a long conversation with two of the European collectors and their view is the same as mine – we are but temporary custodians of these cartridges. A great number of them existed long before any of us were born and most will be around long after we are gone. It will then fall to the next collector to be a custodian for a while and spending long evenings with fellow collectors and friends all over the world discussing this great hobby. I do not keep any copyright on anything I do on this website. If you have similiar cartridges and/or headstamps in your collection you are welcome to use any image or research text for your own records. If you however find information that is not 100% accurate, you are welcome to contact me with the correct information at: cartridgecollector (dot) net (at) gmail (dot) com.

At the top of this page is a heading with LATEST ADDITIONS. That is where all the new listings will be, but it will also show pages that were recently edited with new pictures and/or research. I will also FEATURE some cartridges, especially when I am busy with research on a specific project. If you are a collector, I would recommend joining your local club, as well as the International Ammunition Association. There is also a discussion forum on the IAA website with some very knowledgeable collectors from all over the world.

Over time I have streamlined the website with valuable input from a number of collectors. I have also received a lot of feedback on the South African 7.62 NATO, 5.56 NATO and 7.62×39 projects. The South African .303 BRITISH project is nearing completion, which followed from the pioneering work started by Arno Klee and the late Peter Skala. In the meantime I am still focussing on the Pistol & Revolver part of the collection. All the South African cartridges will still be listed under the SOUTH AFRICAN REFERENCE COLLECTION heading above.