This cartridge was designed as a training variant for the RPG-75 68 mm rocket launcher that is designated RPG Cv-75 (Cv = Cvičný). The training cartridge is designated “7,62mm Zaměřovací vz.75” (7,62-Zm75) and it is loaded with a tracer bullet that is based on the same design as the short range tracer bullet loaded in the 7.62×45 VZ-52. There is also an earlier prototype from 1974 designated “7.65 mm Pistole Zaměřovací” (7,65 Pi-Zm). When this round first appeared outside the Iron Curtain, it was thought to be some sort of special loading for the Škorpion vz. 61 machine pistol.
Box label (IAA Forum)
Steel dummy (Courtesy: John Moss)