The Swiss/German designation for this cartridge is 7,65 mm Leuchtspurpatrone 75 für 8,3 cm Rak Rohr Einsatzlauf. It is loaded with a tracer projectile that consists of a GM clad lead bullet with tracer compound and was designed to be used in the RL-83 Antitank Rocket (83mm Swiss 50/80). The RL-83 Blindicide is an antitank rocket launcher that was produced by Mecar SA of Belgium from 1953 until 1968 and was an improved derivative of the American M20A1 Bazooka. It had an effective range of 400 metres and its 83mm warhead could penetrate 2 inches of rolled armour plate at 90 degrees. It was in service with several countries, including Israel and Switzerland until the mid-1980’s.


RL-83 Blindicide