Notes courtesy Brad Dixon – This is the first Belgian drawn case type, using the same case profile as the M72 rolled foil case type. Designated as the M76 and intended for use in the same Belgian rifles. Identified by the lower shoulder and without paper patched RN lead bullet. This was only produced in Belgium, originally by Charles Fusnot of Brussels from 1875 to 1877. In 1884, the ‘Societe Anonyme pour la fabrication des Cartouchos et Projectiles’ of Anderlecht patented a ‘neck-ring’ sitting on the outside of the M76 case at the bottom of the neck. This allowed reloading of the case, as normally the M76 case was deformed on firing as it did not fit flush in the straight chambers. It is identified by the “Ste ANONYME BREVETTE (meaning ‘Patent’) headstamp. (Dixon Ref CO2)