The 11.15 X 65R LK EXPRESS is the longest LK type case length which was also produced in the St case format. It was the most popular of the LK case type and it was produced from approximately 1895 until the 1950’s. It is assumed that the 11.15x65R Collath is a proprietary headstamp on the same cartridge as is the case with the 11.2x65R Rapid which was listed by Peterlongo.
No 1 manufactured by B Stahl showing the LK designation
No 2 manufactured by G Egestorff with the earlier headstamp with serifs.
No 3 manufactured by G Egestorff with the later headstamp variation.
No 4 manufactured by G.C. Dornheim on a generic headstamp
No 5 manufactured by G.C. Dornheim on a case showing calibre.
No 6 manufactured by G.C. Dornheim on a case with a primer manufacturer ??? L on primer???
No 7 manufactured by H Utendoerffer of Nurnberg
No 8 manufactured by RWS Nurnberg