Cartridge Collector > Cartridges

308 MYRA

The 308 Myra is an Australian design and was originally developed in the late 1950's by Australian gunsmith Arthur Langsford from Melbourne, who named the company after his wife Myra. It is based on the 222 Remington case necked up to 30 cal.   

3200 HAWK

The 3200 HAWK was designed by Bob Fulton around 1988 and is one of a series of cartridges that he designed based on the 280 Remington case. The idea was to have a lighter rifle with manageable recoil but still be able to handle everything in North America....


Developed by W.W. Greener and based on the 450 3¼ case necked down, but this case has a double shoulder. On the second specimen you will see the flutes on the neck and the idea of this  double shoulder was to provide space for multiple bullets. It also comes with...