Cartridge Collector > Cartridges

6.45 X 48 SWISS GP80

Developed as an assault rifle in the late 1970’s to early 1980’s. This was developed as a replacement for the 5.6 Eiger that was not adopted      This round is called the 6.35x48 and was the prototype of the 6.45x80, although dimensionally very similar...


The 6,5 Grendel dates from around 2002 and was officially launched in 2003, five years before the 6,5 Creedmoor. It is a compact cartridge that was designed to compete with the 5,56 NATO in battle conditions and more specifically to operate from a standard AR15...

6.5 X 43 IWK

After the end of the 2nd World War, the German arms industry was all but destroyed and severe restrictions placed on the Germans in terms of weapons production. The old firm of DWM (Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabrik), Karlsruhe was reorganised into IWK (Industrie...