

   The 375 KO is, as its name suggest, a true knockout blow. It's ballistics are superior to any other suppressed round for the AR-15/MSR platform. It leaves the muzzle with 1050 fps and 857 fpe. While the 857 fpe is remarkable enough for a subsonic as it is...

338 M&K

   The 338 M&K (Metsästys & Kalastus, or Hunting and Fishing) was designed by Finnish gunsmith Hannees Kamulta who is the owner of Hunting and Fishing magazine in Finland, hence the name of the cartridge. It is based on the 8.2x53R Finnish case,...


The 7,62 NATO rifle M58 was adopted by Austria in 1958, but there was a lot of criticism from various parts of the armed forces. They were more impressed by the German M44 assault rifle (7.92x33 KURZ) as well as the Soviet Kalashnikov, which was an “improved” sort of...


One of a series of cartridges designed by the Late Lee Jurras, one of the greats in handgun hunting. He was very interested in the exploits of the old hunters with their Howdah pistols and in the early 1970’s brought out his own versions chambered in 6 different...


There is very little info available on this cartridge, except for some discussion on the IAA Forum. The Two KNIL (Koningklike Nederlandse Indische Leger) plants in Java (Bandoeng & Soerabaya) both assembled and reloaded ammunition for the KNIL, amongst others...


The 41 Avenger was developed by JD Jones from SSK industries in all probability during 1982 as the first review of the cartridge was published by Russ Gaertner in the Jan-Feb 1983 edition of American Handgunner. It was developed for use in 45 Auto handguns and can be...


This is a new development by Federal that was introduced in December 2017 as a definitive cartridge for the AR based platform. The 22 Nosler provided about a 25% improvement in velocity and 30% in energy over the existing 5.56 NATO round when it was introduced in...


30 M1 Carbine (early version) Development of the 30M1 started in September 1940 in the search for a light weight shoulder weapon with an effective range of up to 300 yards with a .30cal. bullet based on the SLR (Self Loading Rifle) principle. The development of the...

375 JDJ

The 375 JDJ was designed and developed by J.D. Jones, from SSK Industries as part of a series of handgun and metallic silhouette cartridges around 1978. The purpose of these cartridges was to give added range and power to the Thompson - Center Contender pistol for...


The 450 Bonecrusher was designed by Lee Marvin from Arlington, VA in April 2002. The development of the 454 Casull proved that it was possible to duplicate the performance of very large frame revolvers like the Magnum Research 450 Marlin with a smaller cartridge/gun...


The 41 Auto Mag is based on the 44 Auto Mag necked to .41 cal. from it states that only 35 of the 41 Auto Mags were manufactured between 1976-77. Existing owners of 44 or 357 Auto Mags could order barrels which would be stamped with the same...


The 450 Bond Super is nothing more than a standard 45 ACP cartridge but loaded with extremely light (90 – 100gr.) bullets. It is/can be used in a Derringer type revolver manufactured by Bond Arms in Granbury TX. The cartridges are loaded by RBCD Performance Plus,...


The 375 ICL (Increased Case Load) was developed by Arnold & Vern Juenke, gunsmiths who owned Saturn Gun Works in Reno, Nevada and is based on the 375 Holland & Holland case. It resembles the earlier Ackley Improved version, but with slightly lower and slightly...